METL Shirts

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Ahh, the Field Artillery.... King...
Ahh, the Field Artillery.... King of truly is good to be the king. Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels soft and lightweight,...
$24.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$24.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
Just like George Washington would...
Just like George Washington would have signed, himself. Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels soft and lightweight, with the right amount of stretch....
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
The Original Stoner Rifle -...
The Original Stoner Rifle - before "stoner" meant something else entirely. Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels soft and lightweight, with the right...
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
This makes a great range...
This makes a great range shirt! Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels soft and lightweight, with the right amount of stretch. It's comfortable...
$24.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$24.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
It's all about that suppressor...
It's all about that suppressor clout level, my guy. Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels soft and lightweight, with the right amount of...
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
Such an apt name for...
Such an apt name for a smoke grenade. Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels soft and lightweight, with the right amount of stretch....
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
S.P.O.R.T.S is valuable both on...
S.P.O.R.T.S is valuable both on and off the range! *wink wink* Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels soft and lightweight, with the right...
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
Airborne All The Way! Fabric...
Airborne All The Way! Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels soft and lightweight, with the right amount of stretch. It's comfortable and flattering...
$24.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$24.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
Are you packin? Fabric Guide:...
Are you packin? Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels soft and lightweight, with the right amount of stretch. It's comfortable and flattering for...
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
Ennnnnn Veeeeee Geeeee! *chime* Fabric...
Ennnnnn Veeeeee Geeeee! *chime* Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels soft and lightweight, with the right amount of stretch. It's comfortable and flattering...
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
Moving at the speed of......
Moving at the speed of... rocket propulsion? Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels soft and lightweight, with the right amount of stretch. It's...
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
RUN Private! Fabric Guide: This...
RUN Private! Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels soft and lightweight, with the right amount of stretch. It's comfortable and flattering for both...
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
Support the reloading movement and...
Support the reloading movement and shoot more often at a lower cost to you! Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels soft and lightweight,...
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
Watch out now! Nobody loves...
Watch out now! Nobody loves the feeling of a piping hot ejected shell casing down the shirt. Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels...
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
The alternate definition of a...
The alternate definition of a U.S. Army Ranger. This is a back print. Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels soft and lightweight, with...
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
Real shooters know. Fabric Guide:...
Real shooters know. Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels soft and lightweight, with the right amount of stretch. It's comfortable and flattering for...
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
They're explosively delicious! Fabric Guide:...
They're explosively delicious! Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels soft and lightweight, with the right amount of stretch. It's comfortable and flattering for...
$24.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$24.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
"I want my.. I want...
"I want my.. I want my.. I want my M16" Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels soft and lightweight, with the right amount...
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
There are two ways to...
There are two ways to look at your magazine. It is either half empty.. or half full. We choose to see it as our mag is half full. Fabric Guide:...
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
Artillery to the rescue! Fabric...
Artillery to the rescue! Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels soft and lightweight, with the right amount of stretch. It's comfortable and flattering...
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
Great shirt for a range...
Great shirt for a range day. Just Pew It! Responsibly, of course. Fabric Guide:This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels soft and lightweight, with the right...
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
A slightly adjusted version of...
A slightly adjusted version of a pin seen back in the 80's. Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels soft and lightweight, with the...
$24.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$24.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
Nothing says "I may not...
Nothing says "I may not be perfect but my scars are pretty awesome!" like earning a Purple Heart. Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It...
$24.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$24.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
The gas chamber is clearly...
The gas chamber is clearly a favorite with all soldiers. Nothing like gaining trust in your equipment! Fabric guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels...
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
They don't call it the...
They don't call it the Reaper for nothin! Fabric Guide: The tri-blend fabric creates a vintage, fitted look. And extreme durability makes this t-shirt withstand repeated washings and still remain...
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
Sold out
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
Sold out
Adults these days. With all...
Adults these days. With all their "pop" music. Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels soft and lightweight, with the right amount of stretch....
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
The joy of shooting a...
The joy of shooting a rifle isn't something that can always be measured, but to those who enjoy it - there are few things that compare with a great day...
$24.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$24.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
If we're being honest..... Fabric...
If we're being honest..... Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels soft and lightweight, with the right amount of stretch. It's comfortable and flattering...
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
Every soldier's had it at...
Every soldier's had it at some point. Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels soft and lightweight, with the right amount of stretch. It's...
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
Air Assaults deliver highly trained...
Air Assaults deliver highly trained American personnel directly to the heat of battle, and the Freedom Express seems to be a fitting name. Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've...
$24.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$24.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
This shirt is 100% self...
This shirt is 100% self explanatory. Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels soft and lightweight, with the right amount of stretch. It's comfortable...
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
Hunting someone that's hunting you...
Hunting someone that's hunting you back... is truly the major league of hunting. The tri-blend fabric on this shirt creates a vintage, fitted look. And extreme durability makes this t-shirt...
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
Danger qualified! Fabric Guide: This...
Danger qualified! Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels soft and lightweight, with the right amount of stretch. It's comfortable and flattering for both...
$24.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$24.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
This parody shirt vaguely references...
This parody shirt vaguely references the distinguished history of the Marine Corps. Makes a great drinking shirt! Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels...
$27.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$27.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
Get on down and beat...
Get on down and beat your face! Front leaning rest position.. MOVE Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels soft and lightweight, with the...
$24.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$24.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
If everyone's favorite rifle had...
If everyone's favorite rifle had it's own space on the periodic table of weapons. Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels soft and lightweight,...
$24.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$24.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
Operating 24/7, our Airborne soldiers...
Operating 24/7, our Airborne soldiers stand ready to deploy freedom anywhere in the world. Discount rates apply for bulk shipments! Apply within. Fabric Guide: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed...
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$29.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
Everyone's had to explain it...
Everyone's had to explain it at some point. Why do people make it so difficult? Fabric Info: This t-shirt is everything you've dreamed of and more. It feels soft and...
$24.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$24.99 Sale Regular price $35.00
$1 Days
$2 Hours
$3 Minutes
$4 Second
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